
How to prevent common commercial dishwasher issues

If you run a restaurant or foodservice business, you know how important it is to have a reliable and efficient commercial dishwasher. But even the best dishwashers can experience issues over time. These issues can cause downtime, loss of productivity, and potentially even food safety concerns. Of course, commercial dishwasher repair in London  is a quick service and can restore your appliance efficiently. But preventing  issues is always better (and more cost-effective) than fixing them.


In this article, we'll discuss some common commercial dishwasher issues and how you can prevent them.

1. Clogged Spray Arms

One of the most common issues with commercial dishwashers is clogged spray arms. When the spray arms are clogged, water cannot flow through them properly, resulting in poor cleaning performance. To prevent this issue, it is important to clean the spray arms regularly. Remove them from the dishwasher and rinse them with hot water, ensuring that all the nozzles are clear.

2. Dirty Filters

The filters in your dishwasher are designed to catch food debris and prevent it from clogging the spray arms and drain. However, if the filters are not cleaned regularly, they get clogged. As a result, you face poor cleaning performance or even damage to the dishwasher. To prevent this issue, clean the filters after every use and replace them when necessary.

3. Improper Loading

Improper loading of dishes in the dishwasher can cause a variety of issues. Overloading the dishwasher can cause poor cleaning performance, while underloading can waste water and energy. It is important to load the dishwasher properly to ensure that all dishes are properly cleaned, and the dishwasher is running efficiently. Consult the dishwasher user manual for specific loading instructions.

4. Low Water Temperature

Commercial dishwashers require hot water to properly sanitize dishes and prevent the growth of bacteria. If the water temperature is too low, the dishes may not be properly cleaned or sanitized, which can lead to food safety concerns. Check the dishwasher's temperature gauge regularly to ensure that the water temperature is at the correct level.

5. Malfunctioning Rinse Aid Dispenser

Rinse aid is an important component of a commercial dishwasher, as it helps to ensure that dishes are properly cleaned and dried. If the rinse aid dispenser is malfunctioning, dishes may be left with spots or streaks. To prevent this issue, regularly check the rinse aid dispenser and refill it as necessary.

6. Worn Gaskets and Seals

The gaskets and seals in your dishwasher are designed to prevent leaks and ensure that the dishwasher is running efficiently. Over time, these gaskets and seals get worn or damaged, leading to leaks and other issues. It is important to regularly inspect the gaskets and seals and replace them when necessary.


By following these tips, you can help prevent common commercial dishwasher issues and ensure that your dishwasher is running efficiently and reliably. Regular maintenance and inspection can go a long way in preventing downtime and ensuring that your dishes are properly cleaned.


Remember, prevention is key when it comes to commercial dishwasher issues. By taking a proactive approach and addressing potential issues before they become major problems, you can save time, money, and potentially even protect your customers' health.