Scaffolding erectors in London

Scaffolding erectors are companies that provide safe access solutions to accomplish works at height. Whether it is a construction or demolition project, the staging structures enable to create a safe environment for the workforce. Royal Keepers is the first aggregator in the UK that brings the customer and scaffolding company together. With a large number of vendors in our base, you will find a scaffolding company that you can hire for your project in no time.

Scaffolding erectors are companies that provide safe access solutions to accomplish works at height. Whether it is a construction or... read more

Scaffolding erectors Scaffolding erectors

What you need to know about Scaffolding erectors

Selecting the company to entrust with scaffolding erection is a very responsible task. First, the success of your construction project depends on how well the work-at-height access is organized. Second, the safety of your workers greatly relies on the safety of the staging structures you use.


Therefore, when choosing scaffolding erectors to hire, pay attention to the following details:


  • Are they CISRS qualified and certified?
  • Do they provide the full cycle of scaffolding planning, erection, inspection, and dismantling services?
  • Are they experienced in the project you want to undertake?
  • What is their incident rate in the past few years?


Note the first bullet point is a must for any scaffolding services. The second two may determine your project success and ease of dealing with the company. At last, the fourth aspect is a result of their H&S policy and can be regarded as a basis of company reliability as well.

How to find scaffolding erectors for your project

Royal Keepers provides a lot of options to make the quote obtaining process and finding a suitable scaffolding company easy and hassle-free.


If this is your first scaffolding erection project, you may want to compare all the prices on the market. In this case, fill in our form and request quotations from all the companies available in our base. On the contrary, if you have already made your choice, all you may need is just to find our company’s contacts. In this case, our platform can be of great service to you as it shows the contacts of many vendors. Besides, if you don’t like calling, you may prefer online negotiation. In this case, you can contact the targeted scaffolding erectors through our chat.